Chile - Beautiful Island
Raed a magazine, they have some article bout our unforgettable tale around the world, you can sense it's taste/mind set if u're involved in it. A tale -out of lots of them- amazed me is this
"Why should a man without a head need a hat" - Chilean tale -
Without any bad intentions ;), Some people really have the vision for the future through it's community surround them.
Best of life - Senno
PS: You can click on the title to see the beautiful island of chile for surf, Honeymooners you go!
"Why should a man without a head need a hat" - Chilean tale -
Without any bad intentions ;), Some people really have the vision for the future through it's community surround them.
Best of life - Senno
PS: You can click on the title to see the beautiful island of chile for surf, Honeymooners you go!