Monday, August 02, 2004

My Room Mates

My room mates:
Kevin, 23, Austria, Single, 15th grade class, A very good dancer, speaks germans, Chinese(Mei you ABC de wei dau), English, some french, little spanish. very slim but many muscle shape, open minded(as he always confused by the un-open minded Americans), lookin for a job at east but worry with the unenough if it's converted to Eur.

Eddie, 22, Americans that rarely speaks English, and sometimes look nervous if we asked him English:), 12th grade class, very dilligent(study 4hour a day outside school time), good body shape, spend some of his time at singapore, work hard for he&friends built company.

Above everythin, I enjoy livin with them the last month, as we always have strange jokes that not only makes us laugh, but also others that I sometimes I don't know their names??!!, Maybe Vannesa, we said for some girl that we don't know the name.

I remember how i can't get along with them on the first week, they never speaks english and my Chinese is bad, i was so lonely, i remembered typin my laptop while they're jokin bout vrythin. I wrote my self a diary in Chinese, promise to revenge them by learnin more chinese to make em confuse with my uncertain chinese tone :) Silly me.

WE HAVE OUR OWN FRIDGE, even though it's small but it can contains Juice, Soda, Fruit, Chocolate, Water, Chicken, Rose, Livin Cow, Table...... upppsss sorry, we only have beer in it:) We never been drunk, just a supplement to help us study:) Yesterday wew bought a cartoon of it, PARTYYY.... It feels like hotel now, we're tryin to think to take big lounge TV to our room:)

This term Bad stuff : It was more like a swimsuit contest were people try to look Cool with their d*mn short outfits, fake smile, full makeup 24/7, even during the sleep time, unproper but we don't care is the motto. Our chinese counsellors that always speaks in English, even though we spoke in chinese, some still reply in English, as they also want to improve their English, Mutual Advantage maybe. I heard some teenager were expelled because of drunk and improper behaviour, throwin glass bottle through the window in the middle of the night. Good Steps OCAC. Why is that could happen? don't they go to school for education? Who's fault?

Culture Shock

I went to Indian's Rest with my roommate, Kevin and one Belgium's girl yesterday, Emelie, vietnamese born Bel, she speaks perfect france, very good Chinese and Cantonese, nice.... I wish i was born outside my place:) The food was suppose to be nice but I paid NT150 for a half portion of bones, They really don't appreciate our economic crisis, my country and I. After we finished the dishes, as ussual I prepared to walk out, my friends kept talking, i felt so strange actually, I remember how many times I put my right leg preparin to leave, but they still talkin. I notice every small movement where i think they already want to leave. But i did it very slow so they didn't realize it:) I looked so nervous every new customer came, and remember the waiter expression.

Doesn't mean to be rude, It's just rarely happen in my culture, if we wanna chat, we ussualy eat slowly until we finish our meal, where we rarely spend time talkin in a restaurant (not coffee shop) They said they can buy a small cake and talked for 3-4 hour. Wow....

So happy to learn others culture, we also talked bout drama theater or musical performance in Vienna, where they have it EVERYDAY. We can go there 7 days a week for different performance, wow... And they have budget ticket start from 3Eur where normal ticket can cost until 300Eur.