Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Chile - Beautiful Island

Raed a magazine, they have some article bout our unforgettable tale around the world, you can sense it's taste/mind set if u're involved in it. A tale -out of lots of them- amazed me is this

"Why should a man without a head need a hat" - Chilean tale -

Without any bad intentions ;), Some people really have the vision for the future through it's community surround them.

Best of life - Senno

PS: You can click on the title to see the beautiful island of chile for surf, Honeymooners you go!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Is there Room for God in a Secular Europe? - Newsweek Nov 8, 2004

Apropos from the subject I read is this:
I'd say not since the middle ages has religious fundametalism been so strong all accross the globe. Fundamentalism fuels more Fundamentalism and thanks to fanatic leaders like Osama bin Laden and George W. Bush, both found in a well broadcast medieval crusade, it is getting close to becoming mainstream in the moslem world and in America. Moderate Europe is becoming a key battlefield as lobbies in favor of more religion in politics are sponsored by both Christian Fundamentalism from America and Islamic Fundamentalism from the Middle East. They can rouse the hate groups- extreme right or left activists- and the weaker links in society. It's time for moderates to wake up.

Salutation and highest honors for Woman

" As a woman you don't collapse because the world around you collapses. You keep going."

Kenya's Wangari Maathai, after becoming the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

NB: Aung San Syu Kyi - We Honor you

International Women's Day - March 8, 2005